Magic bullet recipes ice cream
Magic bullet recipes ice cream

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Save your memes for r/ketocirclejerkĥ: No self-promotion. Low effort posts are: title-only posts, posts with under 200 characters including those that contain only links to articles or images/memes, and posts asking questions that are explicitly answered in the FAQ. Please see the Community Guidelines for a more detailed explanation of what types of comments are in violation of this rule.ģ.a: Zero tolerance will be afforded to posts containing racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, or other identity-based slurs (i.e., insulting a person's ability/disability, looks, etc.).Ĥ: No low effort posts. These sorts of posts may result in a permanent ban with no prior warning. Personal attacks, threats, inappropriate/sexual comments, threadcrapping, intellectual dishonesty, posting misinformation, excessively aggressive posting, and sexualizing/insulting/minimizing posts on progress pictures will not be allowed.

magic bullet recipes ice cream

Off topic discussions will only be allowed in the Daily Community Support thread and will otherwise be removed and locked.Ģ.a: Why no cheat posts? In addition to being off-topic, cheat posts are specifically against the rules of this subreddit because they are negative, defeatist, and can serve as a trigger to those who are struggling.ģ: Be respectful and accurate.

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Off topic posts include: cheat posts, posts about other diets/others that are not eating keto, "farewell" posts, posts asking how to stop keto and resume a "normal" diet, etc. A post is subject to IMMEDIATE deletion and locking if it is clear the poster has not read the FAQ before posting.Ģ: Stay on topic.

Magic bullet recipes ice cream